Excellence of Patience & Gratefulness

Excellence of Patience & Gratefulness

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Translation of Uddat al-Sabirin wa Zakhirat al-Shakirin by Ibn Qayyim. Patience and gratefulness are two essential qualities that can help us go through the ups and downs of life with grace. Here is Ibn al-Qayyim’s celebrated guide on how to achieve them. This book contain the advice and sayings of great prophets and Sahabah and the Scholars of this ummah to help and encourage the reading in being patience may Allah make us from the patience ameen Explains the nature ofsabr (patience, fortitude) and its counterpart, shukr (gratitude) in a practical fashion, showing how these important spiritual qualities may be incorporated into everyday life. Although the original Arabic text was written over six centuries ago, the author’s words are even more relevant today.

  • Publisher : DARUSSALAM (January 1, 2012)
  • Language : English
  • Hardcover : 393 pages
  • Item Weight : 1.26 pounds