The Foundations of Islam

The Foundations of Islam

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Imam Muhammad Ibn Abdul-Wahhab | Dar As-Sunnah Publishing

This is an important collection of writings by Shaykh Muhammad ibn ’_’_’_Abdu’_’_Ύl-Wahhсb all dealing with essential components of muslim belief and identity. The book is an invaluable addition to the Muslim bookshelf.

The first is the outstanding work, Masс’_’_Ύil al-Jсhiliyyah in which the author lists 128 characteristics, current amongst the people of the Time of Ignorance, which were opposed by the Messenger of Allсh (s), all of them essential learning for any Muslim. The goal is to purge contemporary Muslim society from any such traits that may linger on and to direct them back to the guidance of the Messenger of Allсh in its pristine purity. The treatise is written in simple, accessible language and is marked by a heavy reliance on Qur’_’_Ύсnic verses which lends it to easy reading. Relevant as it was then, it remains relevant today and its importance cannot be underestimated. The Arabic text of this work has also been included.

The second, Nawсqid al-Islсm is an article listing ten things which breach a person’_’_Ύs profession of Islсm, incorporated here so that a Muslim can do his utmost to avoid them.

The third is the monograph, al-Qawс’_’_Ύid al-Khams in which the author explains five fundamental components of the Messenger’_’_Ύs call.

The fourth is the famous treatise, al-Qawс’_’_Ύid al-Arba’_’_Ύ in which the author expounds on the reality of TawhÑäd and shirk through explaining four principles which will save a person from the trap of polytheism in all of its many forms. The author wrote various versions of this treatise in his life and three such versions have been incorporated here.

The last is a counsel or advice given by the author directed to all Muslims.

WEIGHT 220.0 g
DIMENSIONS 21.5 × 14 × 1.4 cm