Author:Sheikh al-Allamah Abdulrahman bin Nasir al-Sa'di
Binding:Soft cover
Size cm:21x16 cm
Publisher 1:Hikmah Publications
Publisher 2:Markaz Mu'aadh Ibn Jabal
This book is based on a beautiful poem by the esteemed scholar of Tafsir, Sheikh Abdulrahman b. Nasir al-Sadi (rahimullah). The context of the poem is concerning the Hereafter and the characteristics of the believers yearning for it. This poem highlights the believers' preparation to achiever happiness n this life and the Hereafter. They are the most content people since they are living a life to please Allah which is their goal. They are not deceived by this world and Satan. Rather they are careful in order to preoccupy themselves before Satan has a chance to occupy them.